About SJP (Chandrashekhar)
Samajwadi Janata Party (Chandrashekhar) (SJP(C)), is a prominent Indian political party founded by Late Chandrashekhar, 8th Prime Minister of India, and led by him until his death on 8 July 2007.
Samajwadi Janata Party(Chandrashekhar) is in quest of the identity and destiny of India. It is in search of the ways and means through which the lost glory of our great country could be regained and an egalitarian society would be established on the sound foundation of equality and liberty. The Party is dedicated to the all-round upliftment of farmers, labourers, villagers , the downtrodden and the marginalised. The Party draws inspiration from Gandhian principles , our rich heritage and the noble traditions of our struggle for national independence. The Party shall strive that the Constitution of India be redrafted, which should ensure the power of recalling the people’s representatives to the electorate, changes in the electoral system and election laws and improvements in judiciary and judicial system.